Keywords: 16gb cruzer micro cruzermicro miniaturisation project 365 project365 usb drive usbdrive hands It was a full gathering of the Wednesday night supper club, so I'm afraid you've got a late 'grab something' shot for today. This is my USB drive. In my first 365 set, a USB drive looked like this, but times do change! When I was shopping for my latest drive I decided to go for this one as it had a decent capacity at the right price - about a tenner. The size is shocking. It's literally limited by the size of the USB plug form factor. I haven't lost it yet, but it's sure to come! I wonder how long before we see 16Gb contained within a micro USB plug? I'd reckon it's months, not years, away. It was a full gathering of the Wednesday night supper club, so I'm afraid you've got a late 'grab something' shot for today. This is my USB drive. In my first 365 set, a USB drive looked like this, but times do change! When I was shopping for my latest drive I decided to go for this one as it had a decent capacity at the right price - about a tenner. The size is shocking. It's literally limited by the size of the USB plug form factor. I haven't lost it yet, but it's sure to come! I wonder how long before we see 16Gb contained within a micro USB plug? I'd reckon it's months, not years, away. |