Keywords: Proof-Pythagorean-Theorem.svg Diagram describing a proof of the Pythagorean theorem; drawn with w MetaPost and converted to w SVG See also Image Pythagoras6 png for another diagram representing the same proof with more details M - beginfig 1 pair A B C H a b c; C 0 0 ; B 18cm 0 ; A 0cm 10cm ; marksize 0 9cm; labeloffset 12pt; defaultscale 35pt/fontsize defaultfont; H - C whatever B-A rotated 90; H whatever B A; draw A--B--C--cycle withpen pencircle scaled 2bp; draw C--H; label ulft A A ; label lrt B B ; label llft C C ; label top H H ; labeloffset 8pt; label bot a 1/2B C ; label lft b 1/2A C ; label urt c 1/2A B ; labeloffset 9pt; label rt h 1/2C H ; draw 1 0 -- 1 1 -- 0 1 zscaled marksize unitvector 1 0 ; draw -1 0 -- -1 1 -- 0 1 zscaled marksize unitvector H shifted H; endfig; end The SVG file was created by running the following command on the input above mptopdf triangle mp and using the http //www tlhiv org/MetaPost/tools/mptosvg/ MetaPost to SVG Converter which basically does the following pstoedit -page 1 -dt -psarg -r9600x9600 -f sk foo-1 pdf foo-1 sk skconvert foo-1 sk foo-1 svg Pythagorean theorem |