Keywords: PZSL1907Page117.png Giraffa camelopardalis antiquorum ™‚ × G c wardi ™ Giraffa camelopardalis antiquorum <small>Swainson 1835</small> ™‚ × G c giraffa <small>von Schreber 1784</small> ™ foetus en Skin section from forehead of hybrid giraffe foetus Kordofan Giraffe male × South African Giraffe female Recovered at about 350 days of gestation two-third term from mother which died in London Zoo on May 5 1906 Note three different types of foetal hair Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London http //archive org/details/proceedingsofzoo19071446zool vol 1907 issue 1 http //archive org/stream/proceedingsofzoo19071446zool page/117/mode/1up page 117 1907 E Ray Lankester text PD-old <gallery> File PZSL1907Plate05 png Same specimen head from above File PZSL1907Page106 png Same specimen partially dissected head from right lateral File PZSL1907Page107 png Same specimen left horn File PZSL1907Page108 png Same specimen pattern of hairs between horn bases File PZSL1907Page112 png Same specimen skull from right lateral File PZSL1907Page115 png Same specimen head from left lateral File PZSL1907Page116 png Same specimen section of skin between horn bases File PZSL1907Page118 png Same specimen pattern of hairs on forehead </gallery> PZSL 1907-1 1906 Giraffa camelopardalis hybrid foetus from London Zoo Animal hair |