Keywords: Sampler by Elizabeth Laidman, 1760.jpg A mid-eighteenth century English sampler in monochrome with the alphabet in uppercase twice and lowercase omitting J which was then not yet considered a separate letter some crowns and the text Behold the Daughter of / Innocence how beauti-/ful is the mildness of her / Countenence ELIZ LAIDMAN / APRIL 1760 where the word-internal s is written as Å¿ U and V are included as separate letters in some of the alphabets merged in others <br> The text is apparently from The Whole Duty of a Woman; or A Guide to the Female Sex from the Age of Sixteen to Sixty c first published in 1753 where the author was simply listed as A Lady In fact the author was William Kenrick 1725 -1779 English novelist playwright and founder of the book review digest The London Review Kenrick was described by Paul Fussell in PMLA June 1951 as one of London ™s most despised drunken and morally degenerate hack writers in the later eighteenth century Private collection Photo by Nick Michael 2006 Reproduction of 2D artwork in public domain 1760s samplers Alphabets Cross-stitching 1760 works Embroidery of England Close-ups of woven textiles |