Keywords: Schiefergasreserven 2013.png en Bar chart showing the global top ten countries ranked by amount of unproved technically recoverable wet shale gas resources plus Europe and Germany created by means of MS Excel 2007 using data from EIA 2013 <ref name EIA2013 >U S Energy Information Administration 2013 Technically Recoverable Shale Oil and Shale Gas Resources An Assessment of 137 Shale Formations in 41 Countries Outside the United States U S Department of Energy Washington DC https //www eia gov/analysis/studies/worldshalegas/archive/2013/pdf/fullreport_2013 pdf PDF 65 MB table 3 p 6 therein</ref> and Liu et al 2015 <ref name Liu_et_al_2015 >Pingli Liu Yinsheng Feng Liqiang Zhao Nianyin Li Zhifeng Luo 2015 Technical status and challenges of shale gas development in Sichuan Basin China Petroleum 1 1 1 “7 doi 10 1016/j petlm 2015 03 001 Open Access fig 1 p 2 therein </ref> de Balkendiagramm mit Auflistung der zehn Länder mit den weltweit größten Schiefergasreserven geschätzte technisch förderbare Ressourcen von nassem Schiefergas zuzüglich Europa und Deutschland erstellt mittels MS Excel 2007 nach Daten aus EIA 2013 <ref name EIA2013 /> und Liu et al 2015 <ref name Liu_et_al_2015 /> <references /> own Gretarsson 2016-07-25 Shale gas Economic bar charts Cc-zero |