Keywords: Signed distance2.png Made by myself with Matlab 2007-03-01 own assumed Oleg Alexandrov Created with MATLAB Source code MATLAB <source lang matlab > function main init stuff M 3; lw 2 5; h 0 1; ii sqrt -1 ; XX -M h M; YY -M h M; X Y meshgrid XX YY ; the surfce determining the contour type 2; the contour is a circle for type 1 and something more complex otherwise if type 1 height 2; Z height - X 2-Y 2; else height 0 7; Z height-0 5 X-1 78 X 2 X+1 78 -Y 2; Z f X Y -surface end find the contour figure 1 ; subplot 2 1 1 ; figure 1 ; clf; C H contour X Y Z 0 0 ; set H 'linewidth' lw 'EdgeColor' 0;0;156/256 ; draw the region inside the contour figure 1 ; subplot 2 1 1 ; figure 1 ; clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off; l C 2 1 ; CX C 1 2 l+1 ; CY C 2 2 l+1 ; get x and y of contours H fill CX CY 0 6 1 1 1 ; set H 'EdgeColor' 'none' ; draw the shap a hack to make the box look bigger white 0 99 1 1 1; scale 1 4; plot -scale M -scale M ' ' 'color' white plot scale M scale M ' ' 'color' white calc the unsigned distance function Dist 0 Z+1000; for i 1 length XX for j 1 length YY x X i j ; y Y i j ; for k 1 length CX x0 CX k ; y0 CY k ; Dist i j min Dist i j sqrt x-x0 2+ y-y0 2 ; end end end signed distance Dist sign Z Dist; draw the signed distance figure 1 ; subplot 2 1 2 ; figure 2 ; clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off; surf X Y Dist 'FaceColor' 'red' 'EdgeColor' 'none' 'FaceAlpha' 1 ; draw the x-y plane the intersection of the surface above and this plane is the contour of our set surf X Y zeros length XX length YY 'FaceColor' 'blue' 'EdgeColor' 'none' 'FaceAlpha' 0 4 camlight left;lighting phong; make nice lightning view 42 22 angle of view polar coordinates save to file figure 1 ; saveas gcf sprintf 'Set d eps' type 'psc2' ; figure 2 ; saveas gcf sprintf 'Function d eps' type 'psc2' ; then use the following to convert to png convert -append Set2 eps Function2 eps signed_distance2 png </source> Images with Matlab source code Geometric intersections Surface plots Files by User Oleg Alexandrov from en wikipedia math |