Keywords: Sö 205, Överselö.jpg The runestone Sö 205 The inscription reads ikialr auk uisti stainulfr þaiR raistu stain at karl faþur sin auk kilaum at boanta sin auk ika at sun sin a uk irnkaiR at broþur s i n esbern auk tiþkumi hiuku runiR arikaa stkink In English Ingjaldr and Véseti and Steinulfr they raised the stone in memory of Karl their father; and Gillaug in memory of her husbandman; and Inga in memory of her son; and Erngeirr in memory of his brother Ásbjôrn and Tíðkumi cut the runes Órœkja painted Dybeck Richard 1855 Svenska run-urkunder Första Samlingen Stockholm Joh Beckmann 1855 Richard Dybeck Author died more than 70 years ago - public domain PD-old DEFAULTSORT Sö205 Runestones Södermanland Runestones of Strängnäs Municipality Överselö kyrka |