Keywords: Sö 60, Ramsta.png en The runestone Sö 60 The inscription reads auþa auk ika auk erintis þriþi hafa muþkur -þ um karua stain ra--- itiR suain faþur sin auk at kuþfast bruþr sin han uaR sun auþuR In English Auða and Inga and Erindís as the third the mother and daughters have achieved the feat of making and raising the stone in memory of Sveinn their father and in memory of Guðfastr their brother He was Auða's son 10033300280001 Husby-Oppunda 28 1 Dybeck Richard 1857 Svenska run-urkunder Andra Samlingen Stockholm Joh Beckmann 1855 Richard Dybeck Author died more than 70 years ago - public domain PD-old DEFAULTSORT Sö060 Runestones Södermanland Runestones of Nyköping Municipality Husby-Oppunda socken |