Keywords: South america98.svg NOTE This file is very large It takes 329MB of memory 557MB on a 64-bit system just to open it in inkscape Map of South America as of 1998 with first level administrative units See also Image World98 svg world98 shp from the US CDC http //www cdc gov/epiinfo/documents/shapes doc 2007-10-20 Translated to SVG by User Brianski TODO Fix blips change background color so these blips are more obvious and thus easier to fix Also make proper hierarchical groups Generation Notes <pre> perl xml2svg pl --proj cylindrical_equidistant 0 0 793353340291235 -x8000 --incl /import/continents/south_america txt world98 mv -f world98 svg south_america98 svg </pre> PD-USGov Atlas of South America SVG maps of South America Maps with cylindrical projection Blank maps of South America |