Keywords: Spherical mean.png Source code MATLAB <source lang Matlab > L 5; N 100; h L/N; r 3; f inline '10- x 2-y 2 /15' 'x' 'y' ; blue 0 0 1; red 1 0 0; black 0 0 0; lw 1; fs 20; tiny1 0 01; tiny2 0 03; tiny3 0 02; XX -L h L; YY -L h L; X Y meshgrid XX YY ; Z f X Y ; W Z 0; Theta 0 h 2 2 pi; XC r cos Theta ; YC r sin Theta ; ZC f XC YC ; figure 1 ; clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off; view -34 44 ; view 108 36 ; surf X Y Z 'FaceColor' 'red' 'EdgeColor' 'none' ; camlight right; lighting phong; make nice lightning the box at the bottom XD -L L L -L -L; YD -L -L L L -L; ZD XD 0; plot3 XD YD ZD 'color' black 'linewidth' 2 lw ; the circle on top and a tiny dot plot3 XC YC ZC+tiny1 'color' blue 'linewidth' 3 lw ; fill3 tiny2 XC tiny2 YC f tiny2 XC tiny2 YC +2 tiny1 blue 'LineWidth' 1e-4 ; plot the base circle and a tiny dot plot3 XC YC 0 ZC 'color' blue 'linewidth' 3 lw ; H fill3 tiny2 XC tiny2 YC 0 ZC blue 'LineWidth' 1e-4 ; get H print '-dpng' '-r300' 'spherical_mean png' save to file </source> Partial differential equations Images with Matlab source code Files by User Oleg Alexandrov from en wikipedia math |