Keywords: Spre sciinţă Bulgarilor din Dobrogea, Bobârnacul, 28 sept 1878.jpg en Spre sciinţă Bulgarilor din Dobrogea A Message to the Bulgarians of Dobruja anti-Bulgarian engraving in the Romanian magazine Bobârnacul Published shortly after Russia and Romania defeated the Ottoman Empire on the Bulgarian war theater Romania also extended her rule into Dobruja but met resistance from the sizable Bulgarian community in that area; some Romanians were puzzled since they believed Bulgarians should have thanked Romania for having contributed to Bulgaria's liberation <br>In the first panel a large hand representing Romanian realpolitik flicks away the Ottomans occupying Plevna Redoubt - a visual reference to the essential Romanian battle on the Bulgarian theater In the second panel it forms a fist crashing into Dobruja and scattering the Bulgarian malcontents <br>The original caption reads Românul la Plevna spre a vĕ scăpa de sclavia Turculuĭ 'şi-a arĕtat numaĭ degetul şi Plevna s'a supus In Dobrogea de vĕ veţi rescula Românul 'şĭ va arĕta în numele Europeĭ PUMNUL şi Dobrogea se va supune In Plevna where he was liberating you from slavery to the Turk the Romanian has merely had to show his finger and Plevna submitted Should you be rebelling in Dobruja the Romanian acting for Europe will pull out his FIST and Dobruja will submit Bobârnacul 62/1878 accessible through http //digitool dc bmms ro 8881/R RN 709438175 DacoRomanica Bucharest City Library unknown/uncredited 1878-09-28 Bobârnacul Imperialism Siege of Plevna in art Dobruja Bulgarian diaspora Fists in art 1878 in Romania 1878 in Bulgaria 1878 in military history Political cartoons of Romania 1870s political cartoons 1878 cartoons 1878 engravings PD-Art |