Keywords: 23 September 2015
Wesfarmers Limited
11th Floor, Wesfarmers House
40 The Esplanade
Perth 6000
Western Australia
Mr. Richard Goyder
Chief Executive Officer
Supermarket Black Shelves not cleaned daily; Why not Black Supermarket Baskets instead of dirty coloured ones
Dear Mr. Goyder,
I hope this letter finds you well.
It may not be possible to phase out coloured supermarket baskets even though its dirty and old. I hope that 100 years later, supermarket baskets would be black in colour which would max out sales. Would you like to be reminded visually of the dirty supermarket baskets when you do grocery shopping? I guess not.
Imagine black supermarket baskets that eliminate this psychological barrier and actually encourage customers to place more items into the baskets to max sales; up profits; max your salary increment. Simply spend 3 mins to forward this feedback to your assistant (delegate) to take action on this and you could gain credit, salary increment and bonus for the successful outcome from the implementation. If not, blame the person giving the feedback. The benefits significantly outweigh the cons. retail technology transportation signs foodanddrinks |