Keywords: Symbol of Rikuzentakata, Iwate.svg 陸前高田市 市章 The symbol of Rikuzentakata city Iwate Pref Japan own based on http //www city rikuzentakata iwate jp/ www city rikuzentakata iwate jp/ http //www chubu-net co jp/kenzai/kensyo/mark/iwate/rikuzentakada pdf<br /> The symbol is announced on http //www city rikuzentakata iwate jp/shisei/reiki/reiki_honbun/c111RG00000006 html 1955 06 01 2011-07-27 City of Rikuzentakata<br />SVG reproduction by tokorokoko 150px right Insignia Please ask the city for permission when you use elsewhere 使用許諾などについては利用 ご自身がご確認ください PD-Japan-organization Created with Adobe Illustrator Valid SVG Symbols of municipalities in Iwate prefecture Rikuzentakata Iwate symbol |