Keywords: Tadeusz Gajcy, portrait 2.jpg Tadeusz Stefan Gajcy ps Karol Topornicki Roman Oścień Topór 1922-1944 Polish poet and Armia Krajowa Polish Home Army soldier Polski poeta czasu wojny żołnierz Armii Krajowej Польский поэт вто ой после Бачиньского поэт своего об еченного поколения так называемого «поколения Колумбов» http //jurgensmit blogspot com/2012/08/tadeusz-gajcy-polen-1922-1944 html ca before 1940 author The photo was taken more than 70 years ago the author is unknown probably was published more than 70 years ago without a clear copyright notice because this is a typical ID photo used in such documents and there were no custom to put the copyrigts there so we can assumed that it is in PD Anonymous-EU Tadeusz Gajcy |