Keywords: Thai Airways airline meal-dinner.JPG Inflight meal served for dinner on a Thai Airways International long-haul flight in the economy class Steamed fish baked potatoes cauliflower carrots and peas with a creamy sauce MUC �� BKK Fischgericht mit Beilagen und Dessert - Flugzeugessen Abendessen der Thai Airways International auf einem Interkontinentalflug in der Touristen-Klasse MUC �� BKK own 2007-01-31 User Mattes In-flight dinner Thai Airways International in-flight meals Economy class in-flight meals Plan views of food Foreign cuisines in Thailand User Mattes/Contributions/Topics/Nutrition User Mattes/Contributions/Topics/Transport Taken with Panasonic Lumix DMC-LC50 Work by Mattes 2007 |