Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12735981475).jpg 324 <br> J P BLAKE AND W H HITDLESTON ON <br> c Cylindrites elongatus Phil <br> v c Gervillia aviculoides Sow <br> Avicula ovalis Phil <br> Astarte Duboisiana D' Orb <br> Trigonia clavellate form <br> c Sowerbya triangularis Phil <br> Gresslya peregrina Phil <br> Myacites recurvus Phil <br> jurassi Brongn <br> Ehynchonella Thurmanni Schlot <br> Waldbeimia Hudlestoni Walk <br> Ecbinobrissus scutatus Lam <br> sp <br> Millericrinus echinatus Phil <br> Rhabdophyllia fragments <br> Spongia fioriceps Phil <br> Manon sp <br> The above groups B a and 6 having a thickness of 28 feet con- <br> stitute the Passage-beds of Mr Pox Strang ways and will subse- <br> quently be referred to under that title It follows therefore that <br> the oolite of Scarborough Castle Hill A of fig 12 is no other <br> Fig 12 ” Section of the Upper Part of Scarborough Castle Hill <br> A Oolite of the Lower <br> Limestones locally <br> known as Coralline <br> Oolite 24 ft <br> B a Gritty and vari- <br> able Limestones with <br> shell beds 17 ft <br> b Flaggy ferruginous <br> Limestones very <br> gritty ; the <br> beds 11 ft <br> C c Ball- <br> beds <br> 18 ft <br> a An- ri <br> «niUr Gnt P r °- <br> red <br> Lower Cal- <br> careous <br> gular <br> cherty <br> bed <br> per <br> <br> than the lower oolite d of the Forge-Valley section ; and this con- <br> clusion is fully warranted by the few fossils it contains <br> To the west of the Derwent Gorge the Lower Limestones may be <br> seen spread out over the surface of the hills and in quarries in the 35818453 110705 51125 Page 324 Text 33 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/35818453 1877 Geological Society of London NameFound Avicula ovalis NameFound Cylindrites elongatus NameFound Duboisiana NameConfirmed Duboisiana NameBankID 4150213 NameFound Ecbinobrissus scutatus NameConfirmed Echinobrissus scutatus NameFound Flaggy ferruginous NameFound Gervillia aviculoides NameConfirmed Gervillia aviculoides J Sowerby 1814 NameFound Gresslya peregrina NameFound Millericrinus echinatus NameConfirmed Millericrinus echinatus NameFound Myacites recurvus NameFound Rhabdophyllia NameConfirmed Rhabdophyllia NameBankID 4328435 NameFound Sowerbya triangularis NameFound Spongia NameConfirmed Spongia EOLID 11148701 NameBankID 490462 NameFound Trigonia NameConfirmed Trigonia EOLID 4772338 NameBankID 246199 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 33 1877 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 35818453 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/35818453 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-02-24 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/12735981475 2015-08-26 19 53 47 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1877 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |