Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13860013275).jpg 576 <br> PROF C LAPWORTH ON THE GIRVAN SUCCESSION <br> grounds of Millenderdale and Lag'gan are still continuous with our <br> typical mass of Benan Hill The remaining two which occur upon <br> the ridges of Trowier and the Byne Hill are now separated from the <br> Ben an ridge and each other by two gigantic strike -faults which <br> have thrown down between them strata of much later geological <br> age Not only is the present geographical arrangement of the rocks <br> of these areas almost demonstrative of their original continuity <br> but their detailed study shows as might have been expected that <br> they agree precisely in all their petrological characters with their <br> prototypes of Benan Hill and are similarly underlain by a group of <br> calcareous beds answering exactly to our limestone series of Auchen- <br> soul and the Stinchar <br> 3 Millenderdale area ” The most southerly of these supple- <br> mentary areas is formed by a narrow prolongation of the Benan Con- <br> glomerate about three miles in length by half a mile in width which <br> stretches from the typical area at Kinclaer viaduct upon the water of <br> Assel into the heart of the Ballantrae rocks upon the water of Lendal <br> It is distinctly interposed between these igneous rocks and the sheet <br> of Graptolitic flagstone which everywhere succeeds to the Benan <br> Conglomerate in the Girvan district The peculiar relations of this <br> strip of conglomerate to the neighbouring Ballantrae rocks need not <br> detain us here It will be sufficient for our present purpose to state <br> that a careful mapping of the area makes it clear that it forms <br> generally speaking a faulted anticlinal Near its western extremity <br> the Stinchar Limestone emerges from below it in a group of old <br> quarries and natural exposures near the farmsteading of Millender- <br> dale A few specimens of Saccammina Carteri and Tetradium <br> Peachii are procurable from these limestones In the deserted quarry <br> west of the steading in spite of the shattered state of the beds we <br> recognize with certainty the Nodular Flags Ab 2 at its northern <br> extremity followed by the Compact Limestones Ab 3 for the extrac- <br> tion of which the excavation was made and finally a few feet of the <br> superior greenish shales of the Lidymoyraptus-beds Ab 4 are seen in <br> the stream-course to the south-west <br> Fig 10 <br> S E <br> -Basal Zones of the Girvan Succession south-west <br> of Millenderdale <br> N W <br> Ac Benan Conglomerate <br> Abe Graptolitic shales with Diplograptus rugosus Crypt tricomis c <br> Ax Base of Grirvan Conglomerate <br> Ax 2 Well-bedded ashy conglomerates and sandstones <br> Ax 1 Coarse-breccias of fragments of igneous and altered rocks with <br> interstratlfied purple sandstones and red and green grits and shales <br> x Igneous and altered rocks of Ballantrae Series <br> f Fault 36936405 113692 51125 Page 576 Text 38 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36936405 1882 Geological Society of London NameFound Diplograptus rugosus NameFound Saccammina NameConfirmed Saccammina EOLID 62496 NameBankID 2677281 NameFound Tetradium NameConfirmed Tetradium EOLID 2874626 NameBankID 3413397 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 38 1882 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36936405 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36936405 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-04-15 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/13860013275 2015-08-26 07 55 03 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1882 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |