Keywords: Theodor de Bry self portrait 1597.jpg en Self-Portrait of Theodor de Bry aged 69 engraving by Theodor de Bry Published at Frankfurt am Main de Bry holds a pair of compasses his hand resting on a skull 185 mm x 160 mm Courtesy of the British Museum London British Museum http //www britishmuseum org/research/search_the_collection_database/search_object_details aspx objectid 1460342 partid 1 searchText theodor+de+bry fromADBC ad toADBC ad numpages 10 images on orig 2fresearch 2fsearch_the_collection_database aspx currentPage 1 Creator Theodor de Bry 1597 Engravings Self-portraits Theodor de Bry PD-old-100 |