Keywords: Three Friends of Winter by Zhao Mengjian.jpg Song dynasty Album leaf ink on paper 32 2 x 53 4 cm National Palace Museum Taipei Ebrey Patricia Buckley et al http //depts washington edu/chinaciv/painting/4schyuan htm Bamboo Plum and Other Plants A Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization online reference work http //www npm gov tw/exh91/3friends/english/selection htm The Three Friends of Winter Chao Meng-chien Sung dynasty The Three Friends of Winter Paintings of Pine Plum and Bamboo from the Museum Collection exhibit Taipei National Palace Museum http //www npm gov tw/exh91/3friends/chinese/selection htm 宋 趙孟堅 歲寒三友 歲寒三友 展覽 臺北 � �立故宮博物院 object history exhibition history credit line accession number http //painting npm gov tw/npm_public/System/View jsp ObjectID 21221 type 1 故畫001290N000000006 place of creation China Qin Xiaoyi editor 1995 Songdai shuhua ceye mingpin tezhan - Famous Album Leaves of the Sung Dynasty Taipei Guoli gugong bowuyuan pianzhuan weiyuanhui p 222 Cited in Ebrey Patricia Buckley et al http //depts washington edu/chinaciv/painting/4schyuan htm Bamboo Plum and Other Plants A Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization online reference work PD-old-100 Zhao Mengjian Uploaded with UploadWizard Chinese paintings of flowers Three friends of winter ImageNote 1 238 25 69 50 468 286 2 Pine ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 3 286 158 66 51 468 286 2 Bamboo ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 290 88 62 56 468 286 2 Plum blossom ImageNoteEnd 4 |