Keywords: Tintoretto.markus.bergung.jpg Artwork Q924655 creator Jacopo Tintoretto Die Bergung des Leichnams des heiligen Markus between 1562 1566 oil canvas size cm 398 315 Institution Accademia object history credit line Venezianische Schule Escuela veneciana accession number WGA link 22488 http //www wga hu/art/t/tintoret/3a/3mark jpg http //www wga hu/html/t/tintoret/3a/3mark html http //mail wikipedia org/pipermail/wikide-l/2005-April/012195 html <gallery>Jacopo Tintoretto 004 jpg Alter Zustand mit � bermalungen aus dem 19 Jahrhundert</gallery> painting religious Italian 1551-1600 PD-old-100 St Mark's Body Brought to Venice The body of S Mark is brought to Venice WGA form painting WGA type religious WGA School Italian WGA time period 1551-1600 16th-century paintings of Christian saints 1562 paintings Paintings of Saint Mark |