Keywords: Torus illustration.png Created with MATLAB torus self-made with MATLAB 01 12 13 July 2008 UTC Oleg Alexandrov math Source code <source lang matlab > illustration of a torus obtained as an isosurface function main big and small radii of the torus R 3; r 1; Kb R+r; h 0 1; h is the grid size Smaller h means prettier picture X -Kb-h h Kb+h ; m length X ; Y -Kb-h h Kb+h ; n length Y ; Z -r-h h r+h ; k length Z ; W zeros m n k ; the zero level set of this function will be the desired shape for i 1 m for j 1 n x X i ; y Y j ; W i j sqrt x 2+y 2 -R 2 + Z 2-r 2; torus eqn vectorize in Z end end figure 4 ; clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off; H patch isosurface W 0 ; isonormals W H ; light_green 184 224 98/256; set some propeties set H 'FaceColor' light_green 'EdgeColor' 'none' 'FaceAlpha' 1 ; set H 'SpecularColorReflectance' 0 1 'DiffuseStrength' 0 8 ; set H 'FaceLighting' 'phong' 'AmbientStrength' 0 3 ; set H 'SpecularExponent' 108 ; daspect 1 1 1 ; axis tight; colormap prism 28 viewing angle view -146 32 ; add in a source of light camlight -10 54 ; lighting phong; save as png print '-dpng' '-r400' sprintf 'Torus_illustration png' ; </source> Torus Files by User Oleg Alexandrov from en wikipedia Images with Matlab source code math |