Keywords: Tulip cycle.svg Вегетативный цикл тюльпана на п име е Да винова гиб ида Apeldoorn Динамика пе е асп еделения сухой массы между мате инской луковицей зелёными побегами и ко нями и замещающей молодой луковицей По данным Hilde Lambrechts Fred Rook and Chris Kolloffel Carbohydrate Status of Tulip Bulbs during Cold-lnduced Flower Stalk Elongation and Flowering Plant Physiol 1994 104 515-520 Spring growth cycle of the Apeldoorn tulip Redistribution of dry mass between the mother bulb green shoot and leaves and the new bulb Based on Hilde Lambrechts Fred Rook and Chris Kolloffel Carbohydrate Status of Tulip Bulbs during Cold-lnduced Flower Stalk Elongation and Flowering Plant Physiol 1994 104 515-520 own based on data cited above 10/09/2014 Retired electrician Tulipa Diagrams in Russian Cc-zero |