Keywords: Unequalized Histogram.svg Greyscale frequency histogram of Unequalized Hawkes Bay NZ jpg X-axis shows image intensity y-axis number of pixels with that intensity Black curve shows cumulative histogram self-made based on Image Unequalized Histogram gif file by Konstable 2008-04 Jarekt unrestricted use Created with MATLAB The image was generated using the following MATLAB code with help of external library http //www mathworks com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile do objectId 7401 objectType file plot2svc <source lang matlab > I rgb2gray imread 'Unequalized_Hawkes_Bay_NZ jpg' ; h x hist double I 0 255 ; map cumsum h /prod size I ; figure 1 hold on bar x h 'r' ; plot x 30000 map 'k' xlim 0 256 ; ylim 0 31000 ; plot2svg 'Unequalized Histogram svg' </source> Image processing histograms Plots by Jarek Tuszynski Images with Matlab source code |