MAKE A MEME View Large Image United States presidential election raw popular vote count bar graph (Expanded).png Key FFD900 Libertarian Party 1px AAAAAA solid 3C3B6E Democratic Party 1px AAAAAA solid B22234 Republican Party 1px AAAAAA solid FF0000 Communist Party USA ...
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Keywords: United States presidential election raw popular vote count bar graph (Expanded).png Key FFD900 Libertarian Party 1px AAAAAA solid 3C3B6E Democratic Party 1px AAAAAA solid B22234 Republican Party 1px AAAAAA solid FF0000 Communist Party USA 1px AAAAAA solid 884200 American Independent Party 1px AAAAAA solid 827C1D Eugene J McCarthy 1px AAAAAA solid BDB159 National Unity Party John B Anderson 1px AAAAAA solid 6B47AA Ross Perot/Reform Party of the United States of America 1px AAAAAA solid AB37C8 Constitution Party United States 1px AAAAAA solid 27C851 Greens/Green Party USA/Green Party of the United States 1px AAAAAA solid 000000 Ralph Nader other 1px AAAAAA solid F13A8D Ron Paul other 1px AAAAAA solid Notes <p>Although Ross Perot had not yet formed the Reform Party of the United States of America in 1992 his 1992 run is nevertheless displayed above as a Reform Party run <p>Although the Libertarian Party was on the ballot in all fifty United States plus D C in 2000 the Libertarian Party of Arizona due to a conflict with the national party opted to place L �Neil Smith on the ballot in place of the national party's nominee Harry Browne � The 5 775 votes received by Smith are included in the party's 2000 total <p>In 2008 the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire had two presidential candidates on the ballot Bob Barr and George Phillies � The 531 votes received by Phillies are included in the party's 2008 total <p>The Green Party that nominated candidates for the presidency in 1996 and 2000 was the Greens/Green Party USA � The Green Party that nominated candidates for the presidency ever since has been the Green Party of the United States <p>Although Ron Paul did not run in the general elections of 2008 or 2012 supporters nevertheless got his name on the ballot in some states and got him write-in access in others � Ron Paul was also the Libertarian Party nominee in 1988 alexpeak com 22 March 2016 allixpeeke 200px Bar graph 175px Line graph 175px Expanded line graph Category American Independent Party presidential graphs Cc-zero United States presidential election statistics United States presidential election 1972 United States presidential election 1976 United States presidential election 1980 United States presidential election 1984 United States presidential election 1988 United States presidential election 1992 United States presidential election 1996 United States presidential election 2000 United States presidential election 2004 United States presidential election 2008 Libertarian Party presidential graphs United States Libertarian Party 1972 presidential campaign United States Libertarian Party 1976 presidential campaign United States Libertarian Party 1980 presidential campaign United States Libertarian Party 1984 presidential campaign United States Libertarian Party 1988 presidential campaign United States Libertarian Party 1992 presidential campaign United States Libertarian Party 1996 presidential campaign United States Libertarian Party 2000 presidential campaign United States Libertarian Party 2004 presidential campaign United States Libertarian Party 2008 presidential campaign United States Libertarian Party 2012 presidential campaign United States Democratic Party presidential graphs United States United States Democratic Party 1972 presidential campaign United States Democratic Party 1976 presidential campaign United States Democratic Party 1980 presidential campaign United States Democratic Party 1984 presidential campaign United States Democratic Party 1988 presidential campaign United States Democratic Party 1992 presidential campaign United States Democratic Party 1996 presidential campaign Al Gore presidential campaign 2000 United States Democratic Party 2004 presidential campaign United States Democratic Party 2008 presidential campaign United States Democratic Party 2012 presidential campaign Republican Party presidential graphs United States United States Republican Party 1972 presidential campaign United States Republican Party 1976 presidential campaign United States Republican Party 1980 presidential campaign United States Republican Party 1984 presidential campaign United States Republican Party 1988 presidential campaign United States Republican Party 1992 presidential campaign United States Republican Party 1996 presidential campaign George W Bush presidential campaign 2000 George W Bush presidential campaign 2004 United States Republican Party 2008 presidential campaign United States Republican Party 2012 presidential campaign Green Party of the United States presidential graphs Greens/Green Party USA 1996 presidential campaign Greens/Green Party USA 2000 presidential campaign Green Party of the United States 2004 presidential campaign Green Party of the United States 2008 presidential campaign Green Party of the United States 2012 presidential campaign Constitution Party presidential graphs United States U S Taxpayers Party 1992 presidential campaign U S Taxpayers Party 1996 presidential campaign Constitution Party 2000 presidential campaign United States Constitution Party 2004 presidential campaign United States Constitution Party 2008 presidential campaign United States Constitution Party 2012 presidential campaign United States Ron Paul graphs Ron Paul presidential campaign 2008 Ron Paul presidential campaign 2012 Ralph Nader graphs Ralph Nader presidential campaign 2000 Ralph Nader presidential campaign 2008 Reform Party of the United States of America presidential graphs Ross Perot presidential campaign 1992 Reform Party of the United States of America 1996 presidential campaign Reform Party of the United States of America 2000 presidential campaign Reform Party of the United States of America 2004 presidential campaign Communist Party USA presidential graphs National Unity Party presidential graphs United States Eugene McCarthy presidential graphs Charts in English Charts in French Political bar charts Electoral timelines of the United States of America Gary Johnson graphs
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