Keywords: US-CFTC-Seal.svg and version found http //www3 baylor edu/Library/BCPM/West/west_collection_statement html here U S Government Public domain from a copyright standpoint but other trademark-like restrictions apply According to http //ecfr gpoaccess gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx c ecfr;rgn div8;view text;node 17 3A1 0 1 1 2 0 7 3;idno 17;cc ecfr 17 C F R ยง2 2 <blockquote> a Fraudulently or wrongfully affixing or impressing the Seal to or upon any certificate instrument document or paper or with knowledge of its fraudulent character or with wrongful or fraudulent intent using buying procuring selling or transferring to another any such paper is punishable under section 1017 of title 18 U S Code b Falsely making forging counterfeiting mutilating or altering the Seal or knowingly using a fraudulent or altered Seal or possessing any such Seal knowingly is punishable under section 506 of title 18 U S Code </blockquote> en Image Cftcseal gif en-wiki bitmap version Government of the United States Seals of United States government independent agencies PD-USGov insignia |