Keywords: vp-102 vp102 vpb-102 vpb102 vp-14 vp14 patrol squadron patrolsquadron pby pb4y world war two worldwartwo 1623 vine n. st. 1623vinenst 1623 vine st. 1623vinest 1623 vine street 1623vinestreet mike lyman's grill mikelymansgrill mike lyman's restaurant mikelymansrestaurant mike lyman's mikelymans hollywood los angeles losangeles VP-14/VP-102/VPB-102 Special Collection From the album entitled VP-14 to VP-102 SOURCE INSTITUTION: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive VP-14/VP-102/VPB-102 Special Collection From the album entitled VP-14 to VP-102 SOURCE INSTITUTION: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive |