Keywords: Wahlergebnisse aut.svg de Wahlergebnisse Östereich 2014-09-07 12 51 12 own StefanPohl v reset set term svg size 800 400 fname 'Verdana bold' fsize 13 lw 3 set key below center set border 3 set tics nomirror scale 5 set xtics rotate by 90 right set grid back lt 1 lw 5 lc rgb 0xAAAAAA set forii 2 8 style line ii pt 2 ii+1 ps 75 set style line 2 lc rgb 0xCE000C set style line 3 lc rgb 0x000000 set style line 4 lc rgb 0x6BA325 set style line 5 lc rgb 0x0E428E set style line 6 lc rgb 0xEE7F00 set style line 7 lc rgb 0xE6408D set style line 8 lc rgb 0xD40000 set ylabel ' ' offset graph 05 075 yh 28 set label ÖVP\nSPÖ\nKPÖ at 1945 5 yh set label ÖVP\nSPÖ at 1956 0 yh set label ÖVP at 1966 5 yh set label SPÖ at 1975 5 yh set label SPÖ\nFPÖ at 1983 1 yh set label SPÖ\nÖVP at 1990 1 49 set label ÖVP\nFPÖ at 2002 1 yh set label SPÖ\nÖVP at 2008 5 38 set arrow nohead from 1949 0 to 1949 graph 1 lw 5 set arrow nohead from 1966 0 to 1966 graph 1 lw 5 set arrow nohead from 1970 0 to 1970 graph 1 lw 5 set arrow nohead from 1983 0 to 1983 graph 1 lw 5 set arrow nohead from 1986 0 to 1986 graph 1 lw 5 set arrow nohead from 1999 0 to 1999 graph 1 lw 5 set arrow nohead from 2006 0 to 2006 graph 1 lw 5 set output 'wahl_aut svg' plot forii 2 8 'wahl_aut txt' u 1 ii xticlabel 1 t columnhead ii w lp ls ii unset output cc-zero Uploaded with UploadWizard Austrian general elections |