Keywords: WLA amart The Boy with the Arrow by Douglas Volk.jpg reflection The Boy with the Arrow WLA amart 1909 7 68 Team_Gene pohick2 25581786 N05 3315307944 1903 creator Douglas Volk oil canvas cm 117 1 91 6 institution Smithsonian American Art Museum object history Gift of William T Evans exhibition history credit line SIRIS lists the model for this portrait as Volk's eldest son Leo http //siris-artinventories si edu/ipac20/ipac jsp session L426U8V045357 574 profile ariall source ~ siartinventories view subscriptionsummary uri full 3100001~ 250466~ 35 ri 1 aspect Keyword menu search ipp 20 spp 20 staffonly term Volk +Douglas index AW uindex aspect Keyword menu search ri 1 but Leo died in 1891 at age 9 http //www findagrave com/cgi-bin/fg cgi page gr GRid 52720137<br>Volk's second-eldest son Wendell was born in 1884 http //www metmuseum org/collection/the-collection-online/search/20510 which would have made him age 18 or 19 in 1903 when this was painted <br>Volk's youngest son Gerome likely was the model He was born in 1890 and would have been age 12 or 13 when this was painted accession number 1909 7 68 PD-old-auto-1923 1935 cc-by-sa-2 5 Kaldari 2009-09 possiblyPD Douglas Volk 1903 portrait paintings Portraits of artist's children Volk |