Keywords: XeTeX sample.svg Sample XeTeX output Beispiel einer XeTeX-Ausgabe I created this work entirely by myself Compiled on Mac OS from source code see below 20 40 6 June 2010 UTC DarTar <span class signature-talk >talk</span> XeTeX source <source lang latex > \documentclass11pt article \usepackage xltxtra \setmainfontMapping tex-text Linux Libertine O \begin document \section Unicode support \subsection English All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights \subsection Íslenska Hver maður er borinn frjáls og jafn öðrum að virðingu og réttindum \subsection Русский Все люди ождаются свободными и авными в своем достоинстве и п авах \subsection Tiếng Việt Tất cả mọi ngư i sinh ra đều được tự do và bình đẳng về nhân phẩm và quyền lợi \subsection Ελληνικά Ὅλοι οἱ ἄνθρω οι γεννιοῦνται ἐλεύθεροι καὶ ἴσοι στὴν ξιο ρέ εια καὶ τὰ δικαιώματα \section Legacy syntax When he goes---``Hello World \\ She replies Hello dear \section Ligatures \fontspecLigatures Common Historical Linux Libertine O Italic \fontsize 12pt 18pt \selectfont Questo è strano assai \section Numerals \fontspecNumbers OldStyle Linux Libertine O Old style 1234567\\ \fontspecNumbers Lining Linux Libertine O Lining 1234567 \end document </source> Images with LaTeX source code XeTeX |